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Strataglass product is the best.
At NeedABoatCover.com our enclosures are very important to us and take alot of time and effort to make perfect when fabricating. When we create or repair an enclosure for your yacht , walkaround or duffy style electric boat we want you to have the most crystal clear visibility we can offer our clients. We have partnered with STRATAGLASS eisenglass products to provide the best in clarity and durability on the market.
The picture on the right is one of our custom Strataglass enclosures. The clarity of our eisenglass is incredibly clear and is very easy to clean and maintain.
Strataglass is the industry leader in providing the most well respected clear vinyl for your precious vessel for many years of use. When put up against the competitors vinyl the Strataglass looks so clear it is hard to see any imperfections due to its high quality. What this means for you is a gorgeous enclosure that looks so clear you might forget their is eisenglass separating you and the waters you are navigating.
We use ONLY PREMIUM STRATAGLASS products. The premium strataglass clear vinyl eisenglass is the most premium vinyl available due to its high resistance to scratching and the elements. |